1 Year Post Big Chop | Natural Hair Journey | Blowout & Flat Iron for Beginners
Hey guys! I've been gone for a minute but I'm back with the jump off - it's officially been ONE YEAR since my big chop. To celebrate the...

Mother's Day 2017 in NYC | Vlog + Mini Tutorial + Q&A
Hey guys! Happy (belated) Mother's Day to all of the moms out there! I was lucky enough to have my mom come visit me in NYC this past...

How To: Sew-In Weave | Start To Finish
Here's my step-by-step, start to finish sew-in technique. This video includes my braiding process ( horseshoe anchor braids into a...

How To: Straighten Natural Hair | For Beginners + GIVEAWAY
The question I get asked the most is “WHO does your hair?” Now, I can finally show how I do my own hair, ha-ha. In this tutorial I give...